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Friday's All-Woman Spacewalk


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Hola gente! tal como indica el tìtulo, la Administracion Nacional de Aeronautica y el Espacio estadounidense celebrò hace unas horas la primera caminata espacial, o EVA (extra vehicular activity) compuesta por dos mujeres: Jessica Meir y Christina Koch .

Denominada: Friday's All-Woman Spacewalk , algo asi como "caminata(espacial) de los viernes solo para chicas" , hace honor al humor caracteristico de la agencia. Les dejo el footage:




El enlace a la publicacion fuente:





Friday’s all-woman spacewalk is generating public interest we normally don’t get for a spacewalk. Here are the basics on the spacewalk itself, how to watch and how to participate in the conversation.

Why is this spacewalk significant?

Although it's the 221st spacewalk performed in support of space station assembly, it's the first to be conducted entirely by women, NASA astronauts Jessica Meir (at left above) and Christina Koch (at right above). It’s the first spacewalk for Meir; she’ll become the 15th woman overall and 14th U.S. woman to spacewalk.

What's the importance of an all-woman spacewalk?






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