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Moleculas complejas, descubren Naftaleno en el MI.


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Entonces sabemos que en esa región de la galaxia no habitan extraterrestres con forma de polilla :lol: .

Hablando en serio, creo que la naftalina es un compuesto que se debería romper relativamente fácil en un medio insterestelar, por lo que debe haber alguna fuente o algo no?

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Interesante noticia!. Esta molécula presenta una particularidad, tiene al igual que el benceno (aquel que en sueños "descubrió" Kekulé), una gran estabilidad que le confiere la presencia de dobles enlaces alternados ó como se dice en química conjugados a lo que se suma su estructura cíclica ó en este caso bicíclica. Esto puntualmente le permitiría mantenerse más ó menos inalterado en el MI aunque según pude leer, lo que hallaron fue catión naftaleno. Este catión se habría producido a partir de "arrancarle" electrones de lo que se llama su nube Pi que son nubes de electrones que se encuentra por arriba y por debajo del plano de la molécula. Esto da indicios de la enorme energía a la que está sometida esta fuente de naftaleno. Les dejo algo mas de información de la química de esta molécula, por si a alguien le interesa. La huente es The Merck Index of chemicals and drugs. Un abrazo

6457. Naphthalene.

Naphthalin; naphthene; tar camphor. C10H8; mol wt 128.17. C 93.71%, H 6.29%. Most abundant single constituent of coal tar. Dry coal tar contains about

11%. Crystallizes from the middle or "carbolic oil" fraction of the distilled tar. Purified by hot pressing, which may be followed by washing with H2SO4, NaOH, and

water, then by fractional distillation or by sublimation. Manuf: Faith, Keyes Clark's Industrial Chemicals, F. A. Lowenheim, M. K. Moran, Eds. (Wiley-Interscience,

New York, 4th ed., 1975) pp 556-562. Review: R. M. Gaydos in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 15 (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd

ed., 1981) pp 698-719.

Monoclinic prismatic plates from ether or by sublimation; also sold as white scales, powder, balls, or cakes, mp 80.2 deg. Odor of moth balls. Volatilizes

appreciably at room temp. d420 1.162. d4100 0.9628. Sublimes appreciably at temps above mp; volatile with steam. bp760 217.9 deg; bp400 193.2 deg; bp200 167.7 deg; bp100

145.5 deg; bp60 130.2 deg; bp40 119.3 deg; bp20 101.7 deg; bp10 85.8 deg. Flash pt, open cup 174 degF (79 degC); closed cup 190 degF (88 degC). Autoignition temp 1053 degF (567 degC). nD100

1.58212. Purple fluorescence in Hg light (petr ether soln). Ultraviolet absorption: Several characteristic bands between 217.5 and 320 nm in hexane. Insol in water.

One gram dissolves in 13 ml methanol or ethanol, in 3.5 ml benzene or toluene, in 8 ml olive oil or turpentine, in 2 ml chloroform or carbon tetrachloride, in 1.2 ml

carbon disulfide. Very sol in ether, hydronaphthalenes, in fixed and volatile oils.

Caution: Poisoning may occur by ingestion of large doses, inhalation, or skin absorption. Symptoms and signs: nausea, vomiting, headache, diaphoresis,

hematuria, hemolytic anemia, fever, hepatic necrosis, convulsions, coma, Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, R. E. Gosselin et al., Eds. (Williams Wilkins,

Baltimore, 4th ed., 1976) Section III, pp 242-246.

USE: Manuf phthalic and anthranilic acids which are used in making indigo, indanthrene, and triphenylmethane dyes. Manuf of hydroxyl (naphthols), amino

(naphthylamines), sulfonic acid and similar compds used in the dye industries. Manuf of synthetic resins, celluloid, lampblack, smokeless powder. Manuf of

hydronaphthalenes (Tetralin, Decalin) which are used as solvents, in lubricants, and in motor fuels. The use of naphthalene as a moth repellent and insecticide is

decreasing due to the introduction of chlorinated compds such as p-dichlorobenzene.

THERAP CAT: Has been used as antiseptic (topical and intestinal); anthelmintic (Cestodes).

THERAP CAT (VET): Has been used in dusting powders, as an insecticide and internally as an intestinal antiseptic and vermicide.


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