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Asteroide 2015 TB145 va a pasar cerquita el 31/10/2015


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Me topé con esta información, así que se las paso:

Parece que tiene entre 280 y 620 metros de diametro y va a pasar a 1.27 veces la distancia a la luna el 31 de Octubre. Aparentemente se va a ver mejor desde el hemisferio norte. Va a pasar por la constelación de Tauro.

2015 TB145 (also written 2015 TB145) is a near-Earth asteroid roughly 280–620 meters in diameter that will pass about 1.27 lunar distance from Earth on 31 October 2015.[4] During closest approach to Earth the asteroid will reach about apparent magnitude 10,[5] but the Moon will be a 80% waning gibbous. At peak brightness, the asteroid should be observable to amateur astronomers with small telescopes, but it will be best seen in the Northern hemisphere. On 31 October 2015 at 11:00 UT (4AM PDT) that asteroid will be in the constellation of Taurus about 9 degrees from the Moon.

fuente: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_TB145


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